Monday, December 7, 2009


I cleaned my house today.

I got down on my hands and knees and spent a few hours making sure that the entire house was clean. It felt so good. Part of losing the jobs, was losing the house cleaner that came weekly. That was a sad day.

Tonight, I am watching "Hoarders".

Have you guys watched that show? It is so disturbing. It is about people that have OCD and are compulsive hoarders. It is crazy. I feel so bad for these people. I feel bad for their families. The one lady? She was so disconnected from her children that her son left for the war without saying goodbye.

I am sitting here watching it and thinking of some of my family. No one is that bad, but man alive! I wonder sometimes if I have a few hoarders in my life. My mom kept a lot. Everyone always said how organized and clean she was. When she died? We realized that she was just an organized pack rat. She had things that I won't even type here for the embarrassment of it. It was insane.

I try so hard to not be a pack rat. Husband throws everything out. It is almost funny! He hates mess and clutter and makes sure that he gets rid of a lot. I have gotten a lot better as well. I used to keep everything. I would keep crap that I had no right to keep! You should have seen it when I got married. It was nuts. I spent many days packing all my important crap. I packed it all to Husbands basement suite. He then made me go through everything and throw most of it out! It was infuriating and now I am so grateful.

Husband taught me to value the important things in life. To not keep the old cards, and papers, and clothes and things that people have given me. They are not important. The people were important. I have taken pictures of a lot of things that were very precious to me in my life. I now can look at them and see the memory instead of having it in the box in the basement that never gets looked at anyways!

I now go through my house at least once or twice a year and get rid of stuff. Things I don't wear, garbage, stuff that I could donate and that someone else would like. I give a lot of stuff away.

It feels good.

I love it.

I can't imagine living like that.


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