Saturday, April 10, 2010


Today I am 30.  What a year this is turning out to be.  I can't believe that I am even still alive never mind here and happy and healthy for the most part.  Today was hard to accept.  I feel my biological clock ticking louder and louder each day and wonder why it won't shut up! I am so frustrated with it all.  I can't have kids.  It is not an option.  Why don't our bodies figure this out and just let go? I am excited though.  This year is going to include a new job, a new home, a new city, our ten year wedding anniversary.  Trips to Hawaii for Christmas and to the Dominican.  This year is going to include healthier eating.  Excercise for fun and not for weight loss.  This year is going to include more time with friends and my husband.  Weekly trips to the farmers markets for fresh food.  New recipes every week that will be cooked in my cool kitchen with my husband.  This year is a new year.  I am going to laugh and smile and enjoy life.  I am going to love God and live this adventure in a way that I didn't know existed.

I am excited to turn 30.  One day? Looking back at the 20's will be a little easier.  Right now? I am excited to just start again.

Now.......just have to sell the house!


Heather said...

Well happy birthday, lady! :)

Lollie said...

Happy Birthday!! I love you!