Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Best Friends

Do you have a best friend?

Do you have someone you could tell anything to?

Do you have someone that would be there for you right now if you needed them?

Do you have someone that you could talk to twice a year and feel like you saw them everyday  because it is still that comfortable?

Do you have that person that you need to tell good things to?

I do.  I realized yesterday that I do.  I have a couple actually but one in particular.  We met when we were 9 and have gone steady ever since.  We had our 20 year anniversary last year and joked that we should have a party! We went for breakfast instead.  We have travelled together, and gone to school together, we used to sneak out of the house together.  Newsies and Encino Man were our favourite childhood movies.  We have laughed and cried.  Danced and cheered.  When I hurt? She is the one I want to call.  I know that she will love me and pray for me and be a voice of reason in my insane world.   She is the person that knows me.  She knows my hurts.  She knows my fears.  When I say something? She challenges me and knows what I am thinking.  She asks the questions that I almost want her to ask but that I am not sure I want to answer.  She loves me and accepts me.  She know my past.  She has seen my failures.  She has seen my successes.  She prays for me like a momma bear and knows what to pray.  She sings with me.  She allows me to be me.  She understands me.  I praise the Lord on a regular basis for her and wish that we lived a lot closer to each other.

She doesn't read this blog I don't think.  But she knows who she is.  I love you MD and hope that we remain friends for the rest of our lives.  Thank you for being you.

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