Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 8

Day eight: A picture that makes you laugh.

Okay.  So, I have the funniest family in the world.  I have never met as many quirky people in my life as my own relatives.

So the story goes, my aunties were looking through a newspaper and came upon the obituaries.  There was this horrendous picture of this lady in there.  The picture was probably from when she was thirty and she died at about 90.  The funny part was that her nieces and nephews put it in the paper for the world to see.  And we are talking NASTY HORRIBLE picture.

Well, my aunties both don't have kids.  So, they are worried that we are going to put a picture like this in for when they die.  There is this big joke now when someone takes a nasty picture of them that "oh wow.  That one is for the paper!" 

So here are a few great obituary pictures for you all to enjoy.....

You know you love these.

No, really.  Are you laughing yet?

Yes.  I even keep the ones of me.

I have a few of this guy.  This is my brother.  He will have an amazing obituary.

Oh it is me again!!!

Sorry sister.  I had to.

And the two wonderful woman who are the reason for this whole post.........

1 comment:

Lollie said...

Bahhahahaha! Love it!