Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Who knew that gorging would be so hard!!!!!

I am maybe the only person who is not enjoying this whole gorging thing.  I am supposed to be eating as much as possible for three days.  As much fat and and sugar as possible.  THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!! I don't eat sugar or fat on a regular day and am having a hell of a time.  I am trying but it is making me so sick! I have had a headache for two days.  I am bloated and can't fit in my clothes and my body is rebelling like you would not believe.  The idea of this is that you must eat like crap on a regular day so you are just eating more! I talked to a friend that did this and she did it just for these days! She loved them.  I have no appetite on a good day and this is just not cool.  Husband was bribing me all night to eat more.  I hardly slept from the headache. 

But I can do this.

I can eat crap! I am heading to Starbucks.  A whole fat nasty drink for this girl with extra whip!

And maybe a cookie or four!

Husband is laughing at me.  He thinks it is hilarious! Who knew that eating like a pig would help you lose weight!

This portion is to increase your fat reserves so that you survive the first week.

I will never make it.........

But I promise I will post a picture and all my measurements tonight.  They are horrifying.  I have to admit.  I was apalled but will make sure I post them.

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