Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 6: A person you would like to trade places with for a day

Hello blog land!

I have two answers for this one today.

Fergie Photo Home

The first is Fergie.  I will admit it.  I would love to have her body and lifestyle for a day.  Especially her husband! Is that bad? He is on my list.  I have a little crush on him.  And my husband has the hots for her so I could make his dreams come true! I could be her and then hit on him.  Wouldn't he be shocked? I would love to record in a studio and have a unique voice, I would love to have long hair, I would love to be able to hop on a plane and fly anywhere at any given time and I would love to see inside her closet!

The second one is

Is this not the funniest picture of her?

My mom.  She is in heaven and I would love to see it! We are told a little about it in the bible but no one really knows for sure.  I would love to see Jesus and ask him some questions and to see my siblings as well.  I would love to let her have a day on earth to see her family.  To hug her grandchildren, meet the new one! and to just say hi.  One day would not be enough for her, but how amazing would it be if we could do that! If I could go hang with Jesus and she could be here with her family.  I wonder what she would do? Who would she see? What would she look like? Interesting thoughts.

Today I am in pain.  I pushed myself too hard yesterday and I am hurting today.  Not so much fun.  Husband was home this weekend (a nice surprise!) and I was chatting about my month with him.  I have some big goals and yet I feel like I am at a standstill as far as work and life.  I need to just be sick and focus on that but at the same time? I just want to start this year! So, I am going to read my books, I am going to organize my house and I am just going to breathe and give myself permission to be useless for the month.  I'll let you know how that goes!

The books I am talking about? I will do a whole post on them as I finish them with reviews.  I pinky swear.

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