Tuesday, November 17, 2009


So for those of you that read this, and I think that there are a few of you, life has been a little stressful lately.

Last week, we found out that the company we work for is closing. We were told that we had work until the end of the month and that was all.

Immediate stress for me. Bills, medication for husband and just life in general.

I received a phone call tonight from our boss who is in talks with another company in order to stay open and keep us with jobs. If this does not work out, we do have other plans in place to take care of ourselves.

I am feeling a lot better about what is going on. I do not know what is coming. I do not have any control over what is coming. I have no answers at this time.

I hate it. I like to make a decision. Stick with it and do it. Not have to think over and over and try to guess what is happening. I told my boss he has until Friday night to give me a timeline and some answers. He said that he would.

So, if you think of me this week, please pray that all will work out. If we do lose our jobs, it is going to mean a lot of changes in our lives and quite possibly some lives of other people around us. That is hard. I don't want to cause anyone else this kind of stress.

So....yeah. That is the story. I am a little less of a basket case tonight as I write this than I have been in a long time. I was a little nuts last week. A lot on my mind and not a lot of answers. I hate that. I think that I might be a little bit of a control freak. Oops!


Amy said...

I'm so sorry Dawn.. there is no good time for this sort of thing.. but talk about BAD timing! I'm glad your cancelled trip had nothing to do with Chad.. I'm sure you guys are leaning on each other during this stressful time- and I know that it will be hard but whatever happens will be for the best!

Lollie said...

Praying for you! You know it's only in those times of the unknown that we truly learn to rely on God and we see miracles!
So excited you have a blog I'm totally adding you to my blog roll!

Tanya said...

My thoughts are with you and Chad hun ... and I am very glad to hear that it is not due to Chad's health. Unfortunately there is a never a good time for this thing and there are alot of people dealing with this back home. You have to remember that everything happens for a reason and there is never anything put in front of you that He doesn't think you can handle ... you both have overcome so much and will get throught this ... together!! Love you guys.
