Thursday, March 25, 2010


Please be patient.

I will be back soon on a regular basis.

I am in the middle of trying to get my  house ready to sell.

I am training a new manager for my business so that I can move at some point in the next month.

I am trying to not cry at the fact that I am leaving my friends behind.

I am realizing that huge changes get harder and harder as you age.  This is not as easy as it was years ago.

I am going to miss the girl at starbucks that knows my order when I walk in.  Sad, but true.

I am going to miss having friends.

I am going to miss my church.

I am going to miss the funny pregnant blond lady at the bank that beams when I walk in four days a week and asks me how I am doing and tells me how much my smile makes her day.

I am going to miss my regular customers that tell me about their lives.

The girl that waited 6 months for her wedding dress and had lawyers invovled, but got it ontime and promised me a pictures.  The guy that brings pictures of his kids for me to ooh and aah over.  The old man that tells me about his prescriptions who I convinced to try something new and is now in love with me.

I am going to miss my friends that I can feel pulling away as I get excited and get ready to move.

I am going to miss knowing the grocery store isles.

I am going to miss the comfort zone of my life.

But the good?

Husband and I get to work together at our own project.

It will be ours.

He is getting hooked up with the "chron's guru" of north america.  The guy everyone wants and Husbands doctor has connections to.

We get to start a new adventure.

We will possibly have more company as we will be in a cool big city.

We will get to set our own schedules.

We get to hire our "family" to come and network our  office and so we get to see them soon.

We are secure it Husband gets sick again.

We are following what we feel God is requesting of us right now and can't wait to see where he leads us.

I am just in a funk.  I almost cried right now hooking up all our new utilities in the rental house.  It is done though.  I worked my second last shift at the restaurant today.  They sent me home early because they said I looked so tired and needed a nap! I love my staff.

I know that this is what God wants.  I know that this is good.  I know that this is going to be incredible.

But, why is it so hard?

1 comment:

Lollie said...

Change is hard...