Thursday, September 30, 2010


So we did it.  We made God laugh today.

Did you hear? Did you hear?

We made a plan.  Not a like a whole life plan but a business/schedule plan.  I am feeling a little overwhelmed right now and at the same time, I am a little more calm about the fact that things are actually written down now and I can physically see what I need to do.  I am such a list slut.  I tell you.

I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  It doesn't mean a lot around here, but at the same time, it is nice to know that another week has passed.  I think that this weekend, I am going to go shopping and find some fabric for my quilt.  Or I will wait until the niece comes.

I am doing pretty good these days.  I am struggling right now with not internalizing everything.  I find myself about to have a panic attack and then realize that I am internalizing everything and I just need to breath.  Do you ever do that? I hate it.  I think that I spent so many years doing that that it is not natural to just be anymore.  Something that I am working on.  Maybe need to work a little harder!

I am missing my dog.  How sad is that.  I love my little brat.  She is at the in laws.  We were gone for awhile, were home for a week and then gone for awhile again so we just left her there for the whole time.  They love her and it is a safe place for her so we like it when they have her.  I am excited to get her though.

So, I know that this is silly? But we have actually eaten the leftovers so far and have not had to throw out any food this week.  I know I know.  Ridiculous, right? Not so when you are us.  Silly things make me happy.

I should go.  Husband was up thinking all night last night and I got no sleep.  Time for bed.


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