Monday, December 14, 2009

Random Facts from A to Z

A - AVAILABLE: That depends :) but no, not really
B - BIRTHDAY: April 10, 1980
C - CRUSHING ON: my hubby
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: raspberry tea
E - EASIEST PERSON(S) TO TALK TO: Susie or Maiya, there are a few right now!
F - FAVORITE SONG: save a horse ride a cowboy!
G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: health food store fruit gummies
H - HOMETOWN: so not actually putting this in here! It is the Internet!
I - IN LOVE WITH: my family and my friends
J - JUGGLE: just my life!
K - KILLED SOMEONE: Does anyone actually answer yes to this?
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: from Terrace to Disneyland
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 2 and 2 married ins and 3 in laws
O - ONE WISH: health...good health
Q- QUICKIE: love them
R- REASON TO SMILE: I am leaving in 4 days for holidays!
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: the ones on my blog!
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 9:45 am :)
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: bright pink with white edges
V - VEGETABLE(S): everything but most squashes or eggplant
W - WORST HABIT: the Internet and TV
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: wow.....a lot! Too many to list. Probably pushing 40+ Yeah for radiation poisoning!!!
Y - YOYOS ARE: annoying
Z - ZODIAC SIGN:Aries? I think?

Random Questions About You:

Spell your name without vowels: dwn
Your favorite number: 21
What color do you wear most?: it varies on my mood
Least favorite color?: Yellow. Makes me look awful!
What are you listening to?: Husband giggling at whatever he is watching on his laptop!
Are you happy with your life right now?: some areas yes, others? hell no.
What is your favorite class in school?: Band
When do you start back at school/college?: I would love to go back to school one day! Decorating and cooking classes.
Are you outgoing?: Most days I think. Other days, quite shy!
Favorite pair of shoes: my winter boots. So comfy!
Where do you wish you were right now?: anywhere hot with a beach

Can you dance?: when no one is watching!
Can I dance well? Husband says yes, I am not sure!
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: nope....not at all
Can you whistle?: sometimes
Write with both hands?: yes I can!
Neatly? not bad!
Cross your eyes?: Yes
Walk with your toes curled?: I can

Do you believe there is life on other planets?: No
Do you believe in miracles?: yes. definitely yes.
Do you believe in magic?: no
Love at first sight?: Love?Maybe. Lust, infatuation, attraction? Yes definitely
Do you believe in Satan?: Yes
Do you believe in Santa?: No
Do you know how to swim?: Yes
Do you like roller coasters?: Yes
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: depending on my mood. I have eaten some amazing things.

Have you ever been on a plane?: Yes
Have you ever asked someone out?: Yes
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: Yes
Have you ever been to the ocean?: Yes
Have you ever painted your nails?: Yes, just today! I really dark purple with gold specks

What is the temperature outside?: -38 degrees Celsius. Yup that is right. FREAKIN COLD!
What radio station do you listen to?:usually the christian station
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Original Joe's
What was the last thing you bought?:a new scarf and mittens, two sets actually!
What was the last thing on TV you watched?: Law & Order SVU

Who was the last person you IM'd? probably Jethro!
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: my Christmas tree!
Who was the last person you said I love you to?: Husband

Ever really cried your heart out?: Yes
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yes
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: Yes
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: Yes of course
Do you cry when you get an injury?: only if it really hurts
Do certain songs make you cry?: sure
Are you a happy person?: I try to be
What can make you happy?: time with Husband, dates with friends and my puppy
You wish you were happier?: yes I do
Can music make you happy?: Yes

How many times have you had your heart broken?: A couple of times I'm sure
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them: YES!
What is your current hair color?: red/brown?
Current piercings?: one in each ear, but never wear earrings and my nose
Have any tattoos?: no but thinking of getting one
Eye color?: Husband says I have alien eyes. They change color often. I think they are a hazel/green right now.

Favorite eye color: baby blue
Short or long hair: short and preppy
Short Or Tall: I love tall
Best clothing: jeans, flip flops and a t-shirt. Gotta have a baseball cap on.

Been to jail: no
Mooned someone: yup!
Ran away from home: yes
Laughed so hard you cried: Yep
Cried in school: Yep
Thrown up in a store: yes
Wanted to be a model: no
Cheated on someone: no
Done something really stupid that you still laugh today: ummm let me think YES
Seen a dead body:yes
Gone skinny dipping: yes :)

Pepsi or Coke: Neither
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's
Single or Group Dates: Both can be good
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries: blueberries
Meat or Veggies: a bit of both
TV or Movie: either
Guitar or Drums?: guitar
Adidas or Nike: which ever
Chinese or Mexican: Mexican. My favorite
Cheerios or Corn Flakes: Honey Nut Cheerios are the best
Cake or Pie: coconut cream pie baby!
MTV or VH1: depends on the show
White gold or yellow: yellow. Looks better with my skin tone
Night person or morning: Night

SO, a little bit of information for you! You should all copy it and post it on your blogs! I would love to learn a little more about you.

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