Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Random thoughts

Family reunions.........a whole lot of people acting like they love each other and it is full of tension and smiles

Restaurants....... a place where people meet to each food and treated horribly by waiters and waitresses

Head hurts.  Has for four days.

Can't kennel the dog because she is allergic to the rabies shots.  Seriously? For real?

I want a burnt orange wall in my house.  So bad I can taste it.  I am thinking of pinning up fabric so that I can have some color on the walls.

I started a jogging program this morning.  Husband and I are starting slow but are doing it.  We are getting up early and jogging every morning before breakfast.  This is the plan at least.

I realized that I own one nice bathing suit.  It makes my boobs look incredible.  Like amazing.  Am trying to decide if it is ok to wear at said family reunion.

Want my house to sell.  Please Lord.  Sell my house!

Want my business to sell.  Please Lord.  Sell the business!

Want to open a few new franchises in the next year so that I can have a slush fund for the business in order to start some new projects.

Found an amazing place to go for breakfast.  We have gone there a few times lately.  It is called "Cora".  You get tons of fresh fruit with your amazing meal.  Love it!

I want to go to a farmers market on Saturday.  I don't think it will happen.  I will be at a family thing. 

Maybe next weekend.

I am tired.  Husband has been not sleeping well and really grumpy this week and it is getting really hard to deal with.  I am trying to pretend to be really awake during the day and to not let him know that his lack of sleep is killing me because one of us has to be complete and getting something done.  I am so tired right now.  Lots of meetings and trying to get the books and stuff done and my brain is not working right.  I think I need someone to come in and help me with the books.

I just want to eat eggs.  Wierd.

I want to watch a lot of Chuck these days.  I have no time!

I think it is time to go to bed.

Night y'all!

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