Friday, September 30, 2011

On track

I am feeling a little better about things today.  I did good yesterday and lost .6 lbs.  Not what I wanted to but that it OK.  I will do better today!

Have I mentioned that I am married to the most amazing man on the planet?

Yesterday, he bought me:

for me for this winter.  Can I say amazing? And to keep me going, he made me get them just a little to small.  I have to lose about 5-10 lbs to fit them nicely.  I could wear them now, but they are not amazing yet.  He rocks.  And I love the coats!!!!!!

So the deal is, if I continue to lose the weight that I planned on (only 25 more pounds!!!!) then we are going somewhere this winter.  Not sure where or how long or anything as he is in a new job, but we will do something.  I can't wait! What motivation! I can do it....I can do it....I can do it.....

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I have done it!!!

I just reached my latest goal!!!! I officially am the skinniest I have been in 13 years.  Can you believe it? I can't.  Well, according to the scale I can, but it is still insane.  I have lost another 7.4 lbs and am now at 187.4.  The smallest I have ever been! And to think I wanted to quit my diet yesterday.

I had a horrible day yesterday! Work was whatever, I spent 9 hours driving and 4 working.  A long day if you ask me.  I made it home last night though to cuddle my husband.  And then? In all my tiredness? I DID NOT SLEEP AT ALL!!!!! It sucked.  I finally fell asleep this morning at around 6 and then woke up at 9.  I am going to work this morning for a bit and then take the afternoon off to have a nap.  I am two days ahead of schedule this week anyways so I think I deserve it.

Wow.  I am officially in the 180's.  I am shocked.  Sorry.  This session on the diet has almost kicked my butt! I did gorge days on Friday and Saturday and have only been on the eating plan since Sunday.  3 whole days and I am done! I had no idea it could get harder.  Not sure why it is so hard this time.  It seems to get harder each time.  I have decided to do a cheat day (not in a major way, just a little!) next Friday.  I am meeting a friend for the day and want to be able to eat and drink.  I will then have to deal with Thanksgiving with no food.  Not sure how fun that will be!

My dad and sister are not impressed that I will not be eating as it means I will not be cooking.  I am the cook in the family.  I told them I will help, but will not do it all.  Not even close! Turkey dinner is one of my favorites and I have not had one in almost a year.  This silly dieting has made me miss out on a lot of amazing food this year.  Sometimes is discourages me.  Other days? I remember that I will be done this whole charade in 5 and a half weeks and then I can eat again.  And will be able to for a long time after that.  I am going to do this six weeks and then stop.  I am not sure for how long.  I might be done! If I change my mind and decide to do more, I will wait till after Christmas I think.  I will eat turkey yet this year!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekly Meal Plan

So, my week is pretty set in stone.  What about yours?

Sunday-chicken, tomatoes, cucumbers and oranges

Monday-see above

Tuesday-see above but strawberries instead of oranges

Wednesday-see above

Thursday-see above

Friday-hmmmm...... let's change this up a little.  See below!

Saturday-see Sunday

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 1

And the diet starts again.....

So, as you know if you have read this for awhile, this is the year for change for me.  I am living in a different house, growing out my hair, and losing weight.  A lot of changes for little ol me!

I am now 27lbs down.  I was down 32 but gained 5 back in the last two months.  I did good until last week and then gave up! I think my stress level was too high and so I just started eating at weird times and not caring what it was.  I also gained back a pound from gorge day.  The days before I start.

So, I am at 194.2 as of this morning.  Not impressed to be back in the 190's but that is OK! I am starting again and we will see what happens.

I am doing a full 6 week cycle this time.  I am hoping to lose at least 30 lbs.  Hopefully a few more, but not less.  That would put me down to the 160's which would be insane!!!! I am then contemplating waiting a few weeks and then doing another session before Christmas.  It would only be a three weeker but would have me down about 45 more pounds before the year is out.  Can you imagine? I can't.

I am ready to just be done this.  This next 6 weeks is going to be hard.  I am gone a lot on business and family stuff.  It will not be fun to have to pre cook and portion everything and bring it along.  Makes for a not so fun time but I am stubborn.  The one sucky part? I don't get to eat at Thanksgiving.  NOT FUN!!!!!

I will let you know how it is going though.

Wish me luck! And perseverance! Oh yeah.  This is me in my new bathing suit.  Gives you an idea on my size.  Check out all that sexiness!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Pitter patter.....

So, Husband got a new job.  Recognize those words? He is driving me nuts! But I love him to bits so I will keep him.  I just want him to be happy.  I think that he has finally found the job for him.  I will let you know!

One of the catches though, we needed a truck.

He has been riding this:

to work for the summer.  Yes.  It is fun and pretty and cool but not exactly the type of vehicle to drive in a northern city to work in winter! Or so he says.  What a pansy ;)

So, we had to get a truck.

We picked up my dream.  I used to own this exact truck.  Well....close.  I owned a 2009 Nissan Titan LE and this is a 2009 Nissan Titan Pro 4X.  Not that different.  Mine had leather interior.  This one is cloth.  But they are even the same color! How funny is that.

We love the truck though.  I actually shed a tear when we got rid of it so I am more than excited to own one again.  And just think of all the things I can buy with it! I have room again! Poor Husband.  This job better pay well!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Meal Plans

So, I am doing meal plans again.  It is one thing I can control and it helps me to not eat out! I am going to try to post these every week.

This week (starting yesterday)

Sunday-pasta bake (noodles, carrots, chicken, onion, mushrooms in a mushroom pesto garlic sauce baked    with asiago cheese on top) and a fresh tomato cucumber goat cheese salad

Monday- pulled pork with coleslaw sandwiches, strawberry rhubarb crisp for dessert

Tuesday-sweet and sour chicken over rice and peas

Wednesday- alfredo ravioli and salad

Thursday- not sure if we are in town or not.  Not going to plan!

Friday- either left overs or an egg/hashbrown/chorizo scramble

Saturday- chicken quesadillas and salad

What are you eating this week?

Friday, September 16, 2011


The bane of my existence.

This drug is horrible.  But it has turned my husband from this:

To this:

He is healthy right now.  Well, not completely, but I have my husband back.  The top picture? He was admitted to the hospital 6 weeks later and almost died.  Yeah.  Not healthy.

So, I go to the pharmacy to get his latest round of nastiness to find out that they are having a hard time getting it.  They had enough for this month and maybe next time (in two months) but that is it.  The manufacturer is not making more right now.  Yup.  And now is when we watch my stress level rise!!!!!

This drug is not one that we can buy a different brand for.  It is the only one out there.  We cannot just leave it for a bit and then put him back on it.  If he goes off it? He is sick.  I am freaking out.  And at the same time? Before I panicked too big, I prayed and left it in God's hands.  I will now sit back and watch and see what happens.  Can you pray too? I am trying to not freak out right now.  They say when it rains it pours and we are having a Tsunami over here.  Please pray for our family and for the doctors and the drug makers.

I am doing surprisingly well though.  I know.  Shock to anyone who knows me.  I am getting up each day and putting one foot in front of the other and getting stuff done.  I will succeed.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Aunty D

Did you know that I now have 7 nieces and nephews?

Here is the latest.

Could he be any cuter? OK.  This is a good picture of him.  He is pretty much bald and has a comb over and most of the time has crossed eyes.  But he is ours and we love him!

So, big life changes today.  Our roommates are moving out.  What a bittersweet feeling! I feel like we failed at our goal and at the same time? My mental health needed this.  It is hard when you think you know someone and they turn out to be completely different.

Life is throwing me some curve balls lately.  I am feeling out of control a lot.  I HATE THIS FEELING!

I heard a good sermon on Sunday that talked about the fact that we serve a God who is able.  It does not mean he will do anything, but he is ABLE.  That is huge.  I am excited to see what God has in store for us in this next few years.

I had a hard time meeting my nephew.  I will admit it.  Our family went from being "my sister having the only kids" to "me being the only one without kids".  This is a tough one! I am slowly being left behind.  The bond of raising kids together will not happen.  I can be the greatest aunt in the world, but at the end of the day? I will never be a mom.  At one point, we were in a baby store and I lost it.  I felt like I was going to throw up and panicked and started crying.  I had to leave.  No one noticed except Husband thankfully.  He is awesome.  So supportive.  Some days? No problem! I am good! Others? Not so much.

I know that this is the most rambling thing you have ever read.  But here are more pics of my summer!

Orchids at some gardens we went to

The grounds

Could my puppy be any cuter????? Love her.