- figured out this morning that I am a mom. Not biologically, but figuratively speaking. Not sure why this only hit me today. As we go into week 10.
- just spent 5 lovely days in Las Vegas with Husband. He was working the entire time and so I feel like I didn't really see him at all but it was a nice warm break from life here in the zoo
- it is snowing today. The first real snow we have had this year.
- I am leaving tomorrow for a conference for the next 9 days. I will be cut off from the world. No cell phone, no tv, no computer. I am scared.
- Big Red's parents were here with him while we were gone and they left this morning. Needless to say? Big Red is anxious as hell today.
- I am tired.
- I am almost done my Christmas shopping. I have 2 gifts left to buy and can't get those until I get told the list of items wanted by each person (family gift exchange)
- I am starting my Christmas planning next week. "Hello. My name is Dawn and I have a problem" I am thinking the OCD in me is going to make this Christmas either amazing or funny as hell at how organized it is.
- My gray hair is almost funny now. People are looking at it more often than normal and I am kind of liking it. The hair. Not the looking people.
- I bought a few new things on our trip including:
My first pair of boots. Ever. Love them!
This adorable shirt. Seriously love it.
- Have I mentioned that I am tired?
- I started a little bit of Christmas decorating last night to irritate the men in my house. I could put up my tree today if it was my choice.
FYI You're tired because of item #1. Moms are just always tired. :)
No contact digitally will be strange, what kind of conference?
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