Sunday, May 6, 2012

10 quick things

  1. I have a house full of company and am loving it!
  2. I have done 3 peoples hair every day since they came.  Supposedly I am a hairdresser? SOOOOOOO NOT! But in the eyes of little girls? I am impressive :)
  3. I have been to the biggest most insane mall 3 times in the last week.  This is not something to be proud of.
  4. I have spent far too long in Build-a-bear.  I came out with nothing.  I want the monkey.
  5. I have played at the park every night for the last few days.
  6. I have cooked many meals.
  7. I have tried to keep my company quiet so they don't irritate my neighbours.  I think I have failed.
  8. I finally weighed myself.  Not good.  We won't talk about it.
  9. Felt a lot of anxiety at this upcoming weekend.
  10. Not slept that well because of it.

I will elaborate a little on the last two.

  • Everywhere I go, Mothers Day is getting puked at me.
  • Everywhere I go people are pregnant.  Everyone is pregnant.  It is insane.
  • I still have nothing to wear and I leave on Friday.
  • I have to watch my parent get married.
  • I have to watch my parent kiss someone else.
  • I have to have a new step mom
  • I have to watch my parent get married.
  • I have nothing to wear.
  • I have a house full of kids that make me sad that I am not a mom sometimes.

Enough of the pity party today.  I am going to kidnap Husband and make him go shopping with me to find something to wear.  And then I am going to hug my nieces and nephews and love on them.  And then buy myself something to make me happy.

Be back soon!


Tammy said...

I love you!!!Praying for yoU!

" And when you smile.. the world stops and stares for a while cause girl you're amazing just the way you are!"

Melissa A. said...

I could do without the Mothers Day puke as well.