Friday, May 6, 2011

Not cool body...

Not cool

Yesterday and today were tough.  Yesterday I had a lunch meeting with our lawyer.  Those are always nice as she takes me to really fancy restaurants with amazing food and pays the bill! On this diet? NOT SO MUCH FUN!

I asked for a plain chicken breast and a few tomato slices thinking it was my diet and would be OK.  The chef got mad as if it was an insult and proceeded in telling me he would charge me $22.  For real? That is insane.  So instead? I just didn't eat.  Because of this, I didn't get any food until almost 3.  Not a good thing.  I was not so much hungry but I needed the food to be spread out and eaten.  It sucked.  I then had the power go out so I could not make dinner for my dad who was in town for dinner last night.  So we went out.  Fun again! This time we went to a restaurant that would make me chicken and tomatoes.  I ate it and felt fine but the result?

I did not lose a pound this morning.  I was so incredibly irritated.  I felt like a failure.  I hated it.  Put me in a funk all day.  I sure hope that I lose weight tomorrow.  I am putting so much faith in this that it has to work! I gave away over half my clothes today.  I have a cousin and her sister that are the same size as I was.  As I get rid of clothes I give them to them.  They love it and it makes me feel good! And now I have to lose the weight or else I will not have any clothes to wear!

I might be insane, but I have faith and I am a stubborn girl and will do this.

So, tomorrow is a new day.

Tomorrow I will lose more weight.

Tomorrow will be a good day.

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