Thursday, June 7, 2012

Oh to have natural hair again...

Over the years I think I have had every cut/color/style of hair possible! Some good, some amazing and some quite horrendous to be honest.

I went gray very young.  From stress in my early 20's to be honest.  I have paid to have my hair dyed every 3-4 weeks since.  I don't even want to know what I have paid to have my gray hair taken away! Ok, so it has probably been in the $15000 range.  Husband, did you read that? Insane, right? Not that I figured that out I kinda want to vomit.  Oh a happier note, my lovely Husband has been bugging me for forever to just let it be natural.  I have fought this.  Hard.  I mean, I am 32! I don't want gray hair!!!

But? I have decided to just do it.  I am not just letting it grow as it will look awful for the next year or so and drive me crazy, but I am working with my hair dresser to get it back to natural.  She dyed it this last week to strip the red that it had in it and to get it as close to the natural black that we think it will be.  My hair is (as far as we can tell) an odd mix of black, ash gray and white.  Shiny sparkly white.  So, we are going dark now, then as it grows out, we are going to streak the regrowth with the dyed color until it is completely done growing out and then we will be done! Then it can just do its thing and be natural.

For comparison sake, here was my hair last week:

Quite red.

And now:

Quite dark.  And straight.

I am very curious to see what happens! I am thinking I will do monthly update pictures on the progress.  At the end of the day? If I hate it? I will just go back to dying it again! Or so I say.  We will see.  Now that I know that number up top? I cringe to think about paying for hair dye for that much longer.  And yes.  I have tried box dies.  Kicks the crap out of my hair.  Makes it dry and brittle and my hair does not hold the color at all.  I have tried many different kinds.  It was bad enough? Husband told me to find a hairdresser to color it again.

Some other looks over the years:

Wow.  A little bit of everything!


Melissa A. said...

I love how adventurous you are. I'm thinking of doing the opposite. I've used lots of boxed hair color, mostly my hair can stand it as long as I give it a break between runs. It's been black, blue, pink, red and right now i'm back to natural dirty blonde? medium brown, whatever. I'm thinking of getting it colored/layered/highlighted by a real stylist next time. Little bit excited about it.

Dawn said...

Yeah! I am so excited for you. I love getting my hair done. As you can tell! I am definitely not one of those people that does the same color over and over. That will be the hardest part of going natural. Maybe I will have to add colourful streaks every once in awhile!