Sunday, September 30, 2012

Me. That is all.

Things I have learned in this first month of parenting a teenager:

I know.  Sexy right? This is how I look these days.

  • It was a good thing I started with gray hair
  • I love to torture teenage boys.  In good ways.  I assure you.
  • Teenage boys stink.  Bad.
  • I need ME time more than ever.
  • I need to figure out more balance for me and Hubby compared to US time.
  • Get it all in writing.  All of it.
  • Teenage boys can go a whole day without eating due to stubbornness and not even die! Really! I am not even joking!
  • I might have been in the middle of losing my mind before this all started but I am sure now.
  • The support I thought we would have (friends and family) is not there.  The people that you least expected have shown up in major ways.  Most of them strangers.  Sad but true.
  • Teenage boys become obsessive over silly things
  • I am one of the most stubborn people I have ever met.
  • I have cooked more meals in the last month than I have in the last 6 months.  Can't afford to eat out with a teenager in the house.
  • The things you think are cool? Are not.  Unless you are Captain Awesome aka Husband.  Then you shit diamonds and wear capes.
  • An iPad with games in the back seat is the sanity of life while driving in the car
  • Boys stink.  Have I mentioned this?
  • Just when you think you are having a good day? Jekyll and Hyde show up.
  • Your walk in closet in your master bedroom (it has a window so is pretty) is a wonderful place to escape.  He doesn't look there and I can pretend to not hear him.
  • He will always take Husbands side.  Keep your discussions about yourselves to yourselves.  I understand that it is not fair that I get the iPhone 5 at some point but Captain Awesome doesn't need it!!! And he is ok with me getting it first! And so you don't need to tell me 10 times a day that it is unfair that I get all the cool things and I am cheating him out of the things he wants.  He is a big boy! Really!
  • No matter how many times you tell a boy that he stinks? He doesn't care.  For some reason? It is a good thing for them.  Something to be proud of!
  • That there are good times mixed in with the bad and the horrible which make it all worth while.

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