Friday, April 29, 2011

Insanity Day 3

So, today was hard.  I just wanted to eat regular food so bad it was insane! Doesn't help that I am in the week before my period (TMI) and am craving anything bad for me!

So, down to the numbers.

This morning?

211.8 lbs.

You read that right.  I it is working! I can't wait to weigh myself tomorrow.  I sure hope I lost more! I can't wait to be under the 200 mark.

The stupid liver cleanse is kicking my ass though.  I have way to many issues in my body and they are all being cleansed.  I am having acne, insane headaches that nothing gets rid of, weakness, tired, moody, and all kinds of weird things.  I was warned that this was coming.  My body has been through so much and this is just showing me that I sure need this.  I am curious to see what this next week holds!  On Wednesday I am going to do all my measurements again.  I also want to start doing a little walking as well.  I will see what happens.  When only eating a little bit, I have to be careful that things are good and that I have enough energy to do everything else.

Wish me luck!!!

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