Monday, March 26, 2012

I am slowly getting better

I am getting better.

Realized on day 4 of my antibiotics that they were sending me into a deep insane depression.  It was nasty! I just wanted to be dead to be honest and it was taking every ounce of my being to be alive.  I decided to stop the drugs.  I am feeling 100 times better.  I am also starting to get my energy back!!!! Which is huge.  I am still dragging but this weekend was good for me.

This weekend, Husband DID take the days off and we got to almost everything on my list!!! I was so happy.

We shopped and bought me some new clothes so I can feel cuter this spring! We went to a movie, a romantic dinner, the Muttart and even the home and garden show.  It was an amazing time together.  We both loved it.

You don't get pictures though about anything till later seeing as my computer is having a temper tantrum.

I will be back later!!!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Hope you continue to feel better and better. Call me if you need to vent! I love you always!