Thursday, November 5, 2009

Miss Paige

I would like to introduce you to Paige.
I hate dogs. I hate cats. I am not a mean person, I just am not a fan of other peoples pets! I will not come to your house and cuddle with your animals, unless it is a bunny. I will not love on them and pet them and tell you how adorable they are. I am not a pet person.
I have a dog. No, let me rephrase that. My husband has a dog.
A few years ago, he was really sick (as usual) and I couldn't sleep one night and was searching the Internet for possible health remedies. I came across an article on animal health. How animals give you something to live for and love you and can actually cause healing. Yeah. Right. I thought it was a pile of crap and the fact that I am allergic to most dogs and all cats, made me a little skeptical. Being the loving wife that I am, I decided to buy my husband a dog. He laughed at me. Can I be honest? I think that that silly dog might have actually worked to a degree. No, it did not make him perfectly healthy. But, it gave him something to take care of, she would lay on his stomach like a hot water bottle and sleep for hours when he did not feel good forcing him to lay still or sit for long periods of time without over doing it. Just the other day, he came home from work, was stressed out and she played with him and harassed him until he was laughing so hard he had tears! He looked at me and said "man, that dog is good for me".
She is a toy fox terrier. She has an attitude a mile wide and is spoiled rotten. She is a well trained dog. She doesn't beg, or bark or anything like that. She listens and obeys but is feisty and a little bit of a vindictive bitch when she wants to be. She is bigger than in the picture, but she is still only 6 pounds. She runs way too fast, can jump over the back of the couch, yet cuddles deep and loves us. She can sit, lay down and give hugs, kisses and cuddles. She is ours. I can't have kids and she is not my "child" but she is a friend to our family. She is one of us.
I guess I have to admit. I love that little dog.
Thanks Paige.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I was never a cat person, but I ended up being very glad I got Tink. She's good for me :)