Monday, November 30, 2009


"PCOS symptoms tend to start gradually and often start in the early teens.
Frequently PCOS symptoms are mistaken for other medical problems.
With poly cystic ovary syndrome you may have only a few symptoms or many symptoms.
The symptoms of PCOS include, but are not limited to the following:"
  • irregular or no menstrual periods
    obesity/weight gain/inability to lose weight
    breathing problems while sleeping
    oily skin
    skin discolorations
    high cholesterol levels
    elevated blood pressure
    excess or abnormal hair growth and distribution
    pain in the lower abdomen and pelvis
    multiple ovarian cysts
    skin tags


Yes. This is me. I have been going to a lot of doctors appointments in the last couple months. I have been feeling off and it is annoying the hell out of me. I have always talked to my doctors about things and they always just go " big must just be complications from your brain aneurysm". Funny thing. If you lie to the doctor and only tell them what you care to, they take you A LITTLE MORE SERIOUSLY!!! They send you for ridiculously large amounts of tests. They tell you that you have problems. They tell you you need to go for more tests. They tell you that you probably have cysts on your ovaries. They tell you that you might be diabetic. They tell you that you are fat yet need to lose a lot of weight but you have the 99% chance of having this lovely syndrome that makes it impossible to lose weight. They apologize to you and tell you that with the levels of hormones that you have in your body that there is a chance that you will need a hysterectomy. They tell you that you need a lot of testing, but oh yeah! You have to wait till the middle of January to have them done! Seriously? Are you freaking kidding me? I hate this. I am so sick of this. I am sick of having problems. I am sick of having health problems. I JUST WANT TO BE HEALTHY! I WANT TO BE NORMAL! I DON'T WANT TO BE A HIGH MAINTENANCE FRIEND THAT ALWAYS HAS PROBLEMS!

Things to be thankful for:

  • answers. I will finally know why I cannot lose weight, why I am suddenly having acne problems, etc...
  • answers
  • answers
  • answers

Funny thing. There is always something to be thankful for.

So, why do I not feel thankful?

1 comment:

Heather said...

I've wondered if I've had it too, but have never brought it up with the doctor. It can be so hard to get them to listen!