Sunday, December 18, 2011


So as I scan pictures, I am finding some interesting ones.

April 7th, 1998 I had a brain aneurysm.

I was so young and impressionable and yet so strong.  I look back at it now and can't believe it was me.  I actually found the photos that were taken of me in the hospital.  Forgive me if they are a little gross.  They are not that bad though.  They are all out of order but I will try to at least explain them!

My amazing boyfriend at the time.  Sat there for 2 days.  I think this was actually the day of my 18th birthday.

Close to the end of the hospital stay.  You can see how happy I look and how much weight I had gained already.

My brain surgeon and I

Looking at pictures.  This was in the first few days.  I was not as puffy and was still incredibly stoned.

The fake smiles everyone wore when they looked at me.  This is my sister, mom and dad.

My lovely boyfriend, now Husband

This is the first day after surgery.  Check out that scar!

At some poing during the following weeks.  Not sure where all the stuffed animals came from!

Reading a card from the kids at school.  April of my grade 12 year.

Day 10.  They finally gave me a sponge bath and washed my hair.  It felt amazing! All the nasties in my hair were disgusting.

My favorite nurse


Melissa A. said...

Wow. It's kinda cool you have pictures of this, proof of your strength. What is that white fluffy stuffed thing with rainbow legs? I think I had one of those..but I can't remember what it's called. It's gonna bug me all day.

Dawn said...

Thank you. I am always grateful for pictures like this. They hurt to look at buy make me think of how far I have come. Is that thing a rainbow bright guy? I have no idea. Everyone sent me stuffed animals like I was a kid. It was kinda funny :)