Thursday, March 17, 2011


I got so much done today!

I started the day with some work.  Answered a few emails and paid a few bills.

I then went for breakfast at IKEA with a new friend.  Well, she has been around 5 months, I guess she is not new anymore! And don't judge on the whole IKEA thing.  We can both be full and happy on $4.20 (total!).  You can't beat that! It is our weekly date.  Fits well in the budget.

Then I came home.  Friend came with me! I was making soup for next week and she wanted to learn how. I had just enough stuff to make two huge pots (MASSIVE) of my moms beef barley soup.  She was so excited! She has 5 kids and can't cook! My goal is to teach her.  We have a starting point now! It was so fun.

Then I made the meatloaf s to freeze for my meatloaf cake I am making on Sunday.

Then I scrubbed (hard and thoroughly) all three bathrooms.

Then I cleaned the kitchen.

(Husband vacuumed and washed all the floors while I was doing my stuff)

Then I went to town and got stuff to fill holes when Husband takes down pictures tomorrow.

Then? We ate dinner.

Then I watched tv.

Then I ..... wrote on my blog!

Now? it is time for bed.  I know that this is the most boring post ever.  I agree! But, I am struggling bad with depression right now and I am amazed that I got even this much done!


Hope you all have a good night.  Tomorrow? Work in the morning and then GIRLS DAY!

I can't wait.


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