Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 7

Day seven: A picture of your most treasured item.

Husband and I talked about this one all day.  I could not figure it out.  I started thinking about what I would be the most upset about in the case of a fire.  I started thinking photos, but then realized that due to digital, I would be able to get so many of those again that I wasn't actually that concerned.  Maybe because I don't have kids.

I thought about a few things but this is the one that stood out the most.


Oh you have no idea.  The top picture is actually 16 squares and all those boxes? Filled to the brim with books.  The bottom picture? Touches my ceiling and is ten feet wide.  There are a few DVD's on there, but the rest? Stacked sometimes three deep? Books.

It is like crack.  I have an addiction.  I didn't even mention all the boxes in the basement that were never opened, the digital book with close to 300 books on it, the 200+ cookbooks on shelves in my kitchen or the other four cube shelf in my bedroom that are also full.

I see a bookstore of any sort? I smile.  I could just wander the isles.  It is a peaceful place for me.  A happy place for me.  I am the only person I know that has read entire libraries of books.  I am a speed reader as well which doesn't help.  I have a rule now.  No more than one book a day.


  • makes me sleepy, so I read before bed
  • makes me happy
  • relaxes me
  • makes me desire to read more
  • allows me to escape into a happy place
  • allows my mind to go wild
  • helps me grow (therapy books and the BIBLE)

I love books.  What can I say.  Oh, and I am more than willing to lend them out! I have hundreds of books out right now! I can see empty spots on those shelves from when Dad was here.  Too funny.....

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