Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 1 of this craziness

Today will be a random post! I will start with the Joy Dare.

Joy Dare
Day 22: one grace wrinkled, one grace smoothed, one grace unfolded
  • my grandma.  Her skin.
  • a baby.  Specifically my nephew.  He is a blessing to our family.  Love him!
  • a letter from a friend.  An encouragement.

I am also starting the diet again today!!!!! I figure I can diet with or without mono! I am starting my gorge days today.  Not looking forward to it but am excited to lose more weight.  I am trying for the full 6 weeks this time.  We will see how I do! I am hoping to lose at least 30 lbs.  I will let you know how that goes.  And one day? I will post a picture of me again! I am nervous, as I struggled with the eating disorder aspect last time, but am feeling a lot stronger this time.  At this point, I am focusing on this set and I am going to take it from there.  I am no sure where I want to end up.  I have an idea in my head, but at the end of the day? I don't know.  I see super skinny people and think YEAH! That is what I want! And then I see other people and think wow.  I like the look of some curves.  At the point where I just need to do these 6 weeks and go from there! I am honestly hoping I feel hot at the end of this session so I don't have to do another one! I think I will need one more though.  If that is the case though, I will be done by summer! And that would be good.  Now I need a personal stylist to take me shopping and teach me how to have style and dress cool! (the pics are all off pinterest)

I am off to have a happy (albeit tired) day with Husband.  I am going to eat too much and try to get something done around this house! I am skipping church and life for a bit so that I don't happen to get anyone else sick.  Have a wonderful Sunday!

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